
Facebook Adbreaks Payout Date for Creators 2020 Update

Facebook Ad-break is a new program of Facebook where in video creator or content creator can monetized their video using the Pre-roll advertisement features on FB which they called as Facebook Ad-Break.

Facebook Adbreaks Payout Date?

Facebook often told their partner that the payout of Facebook Adbreaks is on the 21st of the Month, so basically all the money you earn on the previous month will be paid to you by the following month.

Assuming you have $500 that you earn last January of the month on your Facebook Page via this program and it is obvious that by the Month of February 21, is the payout date of your income for the last month of January.

This is similar to Google AdSense payout process, but the question is - Do Facebook Give an Accurate payout on 21st of the month?

The answer is it depends to the team who releases they payout, but we have proof of payment that they often sent their payments around month of 15th to 24th of the month.

Facebook AdBreak Proof Of Payment

We will provide you screenshot for some of of our Facebook Adbreak income that we earn last year and this year.

We have the Facebook Adbreak Date of;
  1. January 22, 2020
  2. December 17, 2019
  3. October 19, 2019
  4. September 24, 2019
Facebook Ad breaks Payout Range from 15 up to 24th of the month
Recently Facebook update this program is Facebook In-Stream Ads, if you have any questions just leave a comment below and we will try to help you about your concerns.

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