
Display FreeMemory Basic Code and Convert MB to GB Using NodeJS by Bryan Granse Devs


FreeMEM() OS in NodeJS by Bryan Granse Devs

Hi and welcome to another interesting coding stuff by Bryan Granse Devs, this time we will be given to you the code that simple but very useful if you are starting to learn NodeJS this code posted by Bryan Granse Devs is for you to exercise and analyze the code base on your understanding.

Though this code is simple you can see that there is a function that will let MB memory converted into specific size like GB etc. now, what this does is first you will initialize it using the constant data base on NodeJs Documentation.

const os = require('node:os');

the object OS above is a variable that will hold the require node:os, so that you can perform any specific action and this time is for displaying FreeMem(), take note that you can explore it yourself if you want to improve the code.

If you want to know more about NodeJS you can explore to the official website, also Bryan Devs accept some request of test code if you want to ask or clear something on this code you can comment on the video included above.

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